

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Oracle Contracts Core

The Contracts Core module acts as a central repository for the collection and dissemination of contract information. It contains all data on terms and conditions, deliverables, and parties to the contracts. This repository is the key to provide a single source for all the information in any contract in your enterprise.

You can author, execute and control non-industry specific contracts with Contracts Core, for both buy and sell contracts. It helps companies manage internal and external obligations, control daily deliverables, and be focused on contractual goals.

Contract Phases


Enables you to create, define, modify, and approve the contract. By using Contracts core/ service you can author and original buy or sell contract, define a contract from a template, or copy another contract. Business rules can be set up to force contracts to go through an approval process to ensure that the contracts are accurate and satisfactory.


Enables you to review deliverables schedule revisions, communications, and sales information such as quotes or orders. During execution you can track the deliverables and tasks. Communications between parties can be recorded and become part of the contract. Rule are also used to execute a contract, enforcing such things as ship-to and bill-to address, ship method, freight terms and pricing information.


Enables you to perform contract management such as change requests, renew/ extend/ terminate, copy contract, and so on. Change requests are a formal way of documenting the changes to a contract. You can submit a change request to initiate a contract change. After the change request is approved, the contract can be changed.

Authoring Flow

1. The customer and the vendor discuss the options.

2. The contracts administrator creates the new contract, by using a template, the copy function, and so on.

3. The contracts administrator authors the contract.

4. The contract is submitted for online quality assurance check to make sure that all information is accurate and complete.

5. The contracts administrator submits the contract to the manager for approval.

6. The contract manager approves the contract.

7. The contracts administrator sends the contract to the customer who then approves and signs it.

8. The contract administrator signs the contract.

9. Once the vendor and the customer have signed the contract, the contract becomes active and the customer is delivered the contract items according to the terms and conditions of the contract.

The Contracts Core / Sales (OKC/OKO) business flow:

1. Generate Lead: In Telesales or sales Online a sales representative cerates and qualifies a lead for an existing customer or a prospect for certain items.

2. Create Opportunity: As soon as the lead gets more qualified, the sales representative creates an opportunity in Telesales or Sales online.

3. Create Quote: The customer agrees with the conditions, a quote is created in the quoting module.

4. Create Contract: Based on the data in the quote and the negotiated terms and conditions a contract is created.

5. Renew Lines and Terms & Conditions: The contract administrator might review and verify the entered contract lines and terms & conditions.

6. Approve and Sign Contract: After the contract is accepted, the contract administrator will start the approval process and the administrator’s manager will approve the contract.

7. Active Contract: After the approval process passed successfully the contract has the status ‘Active’.

8. Create Sales Order: Based on the active contract a sales order can be created automatically.

9. Renewal Process: Prior or after the contract expiration a renewal process can be started.


Contract Integration Layer (OKX)

Oracle Contracts Integration (OKX)

OKX is a layer of integration that allows contracts applications (OKC, OKO, and OKS) to interface to external applications in both ERP and CRM.

Integration to ERP Modules

General Ledger (GL), Human Resources (PER), Purchasing (PO), Order Management (ONT), Payables (AP), Pricing (QP), Configurator (CZ), Inventory (INV), Receivables (AR).

Integration to CRM

  1. Interaction History: - Data pulled includes resources, actions and outcomes. The interaction history feature tracks all interactions between contract parties and serves as a repository for the interaction data. An interaction is a point of contact and may relate to parties, orders, quotes and so on.
  2. Task Manager: - Data pulled includes resources, roles and task status. This information is uses when assigning tasks for specific contract deliverables.
  3. Resources Manager: - Data pulled includes resources, roles and categories. This information is used when defining parties.
  4. Telesales (AST)
  5. Quoting (ASO)